District Promotes Family Education

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District Promotes Family Education

ByYao Yao and Gu Wentong June 14, 2022
District Promotes Family Education
[For Women of China]


To promote implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Family Education Promotion, which took effect on January 1, 2022, Quangang People's Procuratorate and Fuzhou Women's Federation held a ceremony to announce the establishment of Citonghua Family Education Guidance and Service Station. The event was held in February in Quangang, a district in Quanzhou, a city in Southeast China's Fujian Province.

An official of the procuratorate recently told media the station provides various services (to minors and their parents), including offering guidance to parents, to help them improve their ability to educate and care for their children, and conducting activities to foster in juvenile offenders the desire to observe the law and accept discipline. The official said the station also provides legal and psychological counseling to parents and children, so they can better protect their rights and interests.


(Women of China English Monthly March 2022 issue)


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